Arboricultural consultancy is becoming increasingly important in the modern era of tree management. Whether it be tree retention in relation to a proposed development, or individual hazard assessment of amenity tree stock, our expert team is on hand to provide a professional, practical and comprehensive service. We work closely with local authorities and have a good relationship with many of the Tree Officers in the south east.
BS5837: 2012 – Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction – Recommendations, stipulates that all planning applications should consider trees which are within an impacting distance. This is now a crucial part of the planning process and is cautiously scrutinised by Local Authorities during the decision making process. Our Arboricultural Consultancy team are able to offer expert advice in this field and can provide tree surveys, tree reports, arboricultural impact assessments, arboricultural method statements and tree protection plans which illustrate a high level of understanding and appreciation for any trees associated with the proposals.
The guidance set out by BS5837: 2012 – Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction – Recommendations identifies the requirement for an Arboricultural Consultant to consult throughout all stages of development. We find this is best achieved by appointing an Arboricultural Consultant for the duration of the project. This appointment allows results in continuing site attendance and supervision any sensitive works which may be conflicting with tree protection measures. Mitigation works are also supervised and documented. Please contact us about this service.
Trees which are subject to a Tree Preservation Order or are situated within a Conservation Area are afforded a higher level of protection and are covered by statute law (Town and Country Planning Act 1990). A formal planning application must be submitted and consented to before certain tree surgery works can take place. This process can be difficult and time consuming so let our Arboricultural Consultancy team take care of it for you.
Land owners are legally obliged to fulfil their Duty of Care by ensuring that their trees do not present a danger to property or persons. Our Arboricultural Consultancy team are suitably qualified to undertake detailed tree inspections from which management strategies can be considered and ascertained. Please contact us about this service.
Get in contact with our consultancy team to find out more on what services they can offer you.